17 April 2013

Kick Drum Heart

When I like something, I like it. A lot. A lot a lot. A lot a lot in an unhealthy co-dependent kind of way. This happens a lot with book genres. I currently am DJ skipping on D/s erotica novels (but seriously). More so than book genres, music is the worst offender. Or maybe I'm the worst offender, just abusing these poor songs and artists. If I like a song, you know I do because I listen to it... all. the. time. And guess what? When I'm not listening to it, I'm singing it inside my head or perhaps whistling it or thinking about when I can listen to it again. A junkie I tell ya!

My current obsession is The Avett Brothers. They're like alternative folky indie-type slightly country inspired music. I honestly can't even. When I listen to them, I think of summer and happiness and hipster love and things that make me smile and smiling in general. Oh my, I'm rambling.

I've been introduced, reintroduced and re-reintroduced to the band. Firstly, I have a great friend from college who has unbelievable taste in music. If I could marry and make sweet love to his iTunes account, I would. That's how good. He made me a mixtape (which was really a CD) and "Kick Drum Heart" was on it. Liked the song immediately but it got lost in the sauce due to the other amazing song choices. Also because my brain is as small as an acorn, I forgot about the song thus moving on.

Secondly through the book "Slammed" by Colleen Hoover. If you haven't heard of this book or read it or anything... it's okay. It's a decent book. Nothing that must be read but if you're lagging between books or going on vacation, it's a good filler. However, I must have read it during an emotional period of my life because I cried my way through it. Like ugly cried at 2am, heaving giant tears like in Alice in Wonderland. Embarrassing even thinking about it. I won't spoil what the book is about in case you give a shit enough to read it but needless, the author uses certain lyrics at the beginning of each chapter because of a shared love of the band between the main character and her deceased father. I poked around on iTunes to familiarize myself with the type of music, not remembering I knew of them (remember my acorn brain?) but nothing really called to me so I moved on.

Recently, ie. 2 weeks ago, I was going through all the CDs in my car because my car is an 2001 Ford Focus that rattles like a tin can (her name is Betty, she may be a broad but she's class through and through) and has one very classic feature: a CD player. I found that same mixtape/CD from my friend and got so excited about it! What fun! Found "Kick Drum Heart" (again) and now have been Kick Drum Hearting every time I'm in the car. The song reminds me of something that would be used as the background of a film montage of a great series of dates between two hipsters. Which makes me so insanely happy for whatever reason I could not even begin to understand.

If you're not into the indie date song, take a peak at some of their other stuff. I like it all. Download some stuff. Put them on your iPod or make your own mixtape CD. Pop on your sunglasses. Roll down the windows in your tin can car. And listen and drive. You won't regret it.

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