12 April 2013

Must Haves

If you know me at all, you know aside for my love of baby animals and matte lipstick, I live for books. Books are my everything, my first and greatest love. I learned to read when I was four... I mean like full on chapter books. My uncle used to test me because he didn't believe little genius Megan could actually read like that. A fun day for me is at a bookstore, scouring the shelves. Luckily, I work at my local library so I get to feed my need daily. Now since I started posting on this blog, I've wanted to have some serious research behind me. I don't like to half-ass things... I like to full-ass everything.
This is my instagram pic so I'm allowed to exploit it. Go and follow me on there if you want to see how boring I am and how many selfies I take (megan_osh)

There could be worse research materials, right? I was looking for the basics- what are some beauty products and tips that every woman (or man, I don't hate) should have in their arsenal? It's an important question to ask and an important answer to know. While I greatly enjoyed myself looking at the pretty pictures, it wasn't really anything I didn't know but it got me thinking about my top 5 Must Haves so here goes!

1) White eyeliner- this is essential for after the coffee wears off and you can barely keep your eyes open. White eyeliner opens up your eyes, making you look chipper and awake even if you're slowly dying inside. Put this on your waterline (the inside of your bottom eyelid) and voila! Check out bright eyed you!

2) Black skinny jeans- I don't think you understand how many outfits can be created with a simple pair of jeans. Black is slimming, end of. If you're having a bad day or didn't want to shave your legs, it's all good because with black jeans, you're covered and looking fabulous! Sometimes opaque black tights can be tricky. They're also great to have in your must haves but they can be limited in coverage despite being opaque. I'm a stumpy human so I need any lengthening tricks I can get my hands on. Black elongates you, slims you and plus you can either cuff the bottoms of the jeans or tuck them into boots and your legs still look like they go on for miles. Can be funky, can be fancy, can't be wrong.

3) Long sleeved white shirt- This is a staple in my wardrobe because it's so versatile. You can wear it in the summer with a cute pair of shorts. You can wear it in the fall under a tee-shirt. You can wear it in the winter under a sweater. You can wear it in the spring with bright colored jeans. You literally can't wear a solid white long sleeved shirt the wrong way. It can only add to the many different outfit combinations that you may not have even thought about wearing. You can't go wrong... unless you start hardcore sweating in it causing the pits to become a yellow wasteland. Then you don't look chic, you look gross.

4) Mascara- Sometimes when I don't feel like putting my face on, I'll slap some mascara on my eyes and it at least gives the illusion like I don't care that I'm not snuggled in my bed (newsflash: I'll always care that I'm not in my bed. Internal tears.) Mascara has that magical ability to make you look like you're put together even if your face is falling apart! I always make sure I have mascara with me on the off chance that I'm going to be in public and need to not appear that I'm the walking dead. My favorite for such occasions are lengthening and thickening ones like Maybelline LashBlast in blackest black.

and last but not least 5) A pair of really good boots- Allow me to explain what I mean by really good boots. I'm talking kind of expensive. Remember with boots, it's whatever you put into them, you'll get out of them. You can buy a pair from a Target, Walmart, KMart, any kind of mart and yeah, they'll be cute. They may not even give you blisters which would be magical! But they're going to be no more than $40. Not bad... if you don't mind throwing them out in a year and that's at an absolute maximum. The thing is if you spend some serious cash on a great pair of boots, they'll be the perfect addition to any outfit especially if you're going out and don't feel like putting heels on. Plus once they're broken in, boots get that vintage worn look which is totally "in" and will always be "in". I got a pair of camel colored motorcycle style boots from UGG and they cost me a pretty penny but the quality is incredible, the leather is to die for, they traveled well and trudged through English snow like champs. I've gotten stopped on the street- "Where did you get those boots?" I may even be buried in them (morbid.).

Runners up- Red lipstick, flannel shirt, black flats and a highlighter.

I probably should have done my top 10 but fuck it. Hope you enjoyed and I'm interested to hear what are your top 5 Must Haves! 

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